2024 RFF Infrastructure Fund

Let's keep the signal transmitting and knock this out quickly. Infra is covered through May, so let's set a target of June to June. Our anticipated and slightly fluctuating infrastructure costs based on our current services assuming no obscene spikes from providers is ~48 Euro per month. We have a few previously allocated long term donations we will assume to continue, and we have added a small padding for expected increases. We'd also like to make a humble donation as RFF to our public fedi account server admin and to our station management software. Our target for the year is 676 EU or ~1222 NZD converted at time of post.



We'll keep the target updated on the ko-fi page by manually add in anything you earmark for infra from the other platforms as they come in.

We've added Paypal to the ko-fi if that helps. Please note RFF INFRA on your donation.

If you prefer Liberapay, please send us a DM if you are specifically donating to the RFF INFRA fund.

And we have separate human and infra donations that can be both one off or recurring on the Open Collective page.

Thank you so much for your time, your love, your support and the overwhelming positive energies you all put into not just the feeds but into the world. By discovering, interacting, collaborating, supporting and generally uplifting each other as fedizens, as independent artists and as kick ass community members let's keep doing our best to empower each other to put more creative works and support into the universe.

Want to help even more or specifically targeted?

Are you laden with coin or a deep yearning to offer more help for specific projects and initiatives? We'd love to hear! Some other ways you might be able to help financially:

Would you like to help subsidise specific projects, testing and experiments for community organising and building and artist empowerment? An example is we had a kind community donation specifically for helping us startup our Faircamp hosting and help onboard artists who may not have the means. This is a great way to help RFF (also artists) help artists in exploring agency and traversing the mine field of the walled garden and surveillance web.

Would you like to help subsidise original programming on RFF? We have a few projects outlined and ready to start but cannot quite commit to the production time without some help. Our first example is a monthly RFF new music showcase programme that will be premiered live and offered on replay on the channels.

We want to offer more support for RFF to host more events, shows, premieres, hangouts, listening parties etc. We want to be a safe and fun resource. RFF as a commons, venue, conduit for supporting independent art outside of silos and walled gardens as much as possible without everyone needing to reinvent the wheel or undertake infinite inidividual infrastructure tasks.

So please reach out if you want to help us make more community happen!

@radiofreefedi@musician.social | rff.synthetic076 at passmail dot net

Extended Remix

Last year (2023) and the first half of this year, on a mostly organic and unadvertised rolling basis, the wider community simply stepped right up and made sure the human volunteer, aka the hamster sprinting in the wheel powering the transmitter, bore no financial costs for the keeping the lights on portion of RFF. We simply extended the covered to date happily as help came in. Thank you. You all made it possible to grow the experiment into, into a project, into a vibe, into a community! It is impossible to quantify the goodwill, material support, comradery and friendship you helped to foment, fuel, multiply, other than to say it was and is an AWESOME amount!

Unfortunately I had to focus on the durability of the human time commitment and costs as maintainer around the new year period given my personal situation. This included the painful consideration to fold up the project as I overextended volunteerism and health. But the project resonance was just too great and the community momentum too vital to pull the plug.

Substantial reluctance on my part not withstanding, with enthusiastic instigation from lovely artists and friends of the station, we pivoted briefly to a specifically mutual aid support drive for the human to help me plan how to get through the year and not have to drop RFF fully. Thanks to the buffer for some IRL costs from that support and the continued advising of a group of amazing artist colleagues I committed to attacking the problem of how to make space, to then make space, to do what I can to keep RFF going and growing.

I accepted that to carry on, I nor RFF as an entity can not do ALL the things ALL the time and I've made some great progress on boundaries, streamlining some processes, compartmentalising communication and tasks so that it will be easier to invite others to help in small digestable chunks. This is in the hope that the community may continue growing. I hope to not have to be exposed like that again in my capacity as RFF maintainer but thank you greatly for the love and support.

I anticipate the community will smash this fast and we can not have to mention it for another year. Apologies it is not too far after the hamster mutual aid effort but this is how it happened. Going forward we'll always continue to extend the funded to date for infrastructure on teh website. I will also very graciously receive any recurring donations for the human outside of this focused pledge time.

Thank you for being here and for loving the idea of unapologetically artist driven community. Keep lifting each other up out there.

ngā mihi DJ Hamster G