how to listen

Welcome to radio free fedi and thanks for dropping in to discover amazing independent fedi artists. You can find many helpful posts on our main masto account and long form expansion and context on how things are going or get going here on this blog.

Here is some helpful information on how to listen to RFF.

The easiest thing to do is visit and you have multiple options.

On our site: Hit play on one the embedded web players available for each station. That's it, a single javascript solely on our local domain is used to update the now playing and recent artists information for your discovery delight and so you can communicate with and as directly as possible support the artists you find.

In your media players: Please note there are links listed for each channel listed on our website that you may use in your local media player of choice such as VLC or MPV etc.

As players and systems vary wildly you can use https versions of our links but if you are having trouble with a feed playing or receiving good song info you might try changing the link to just http.

Here is a playlist file for VLC etc with all three channels using http links as listed on our site.

Other apps and sites: We are listed in the very large and open radio-browser directory of radio stations and streams. This directory provides a standard for third party sites and apps to search all the listed stations.

You should be able to use almost anything on this list and just search for “” and be all good. As these are third party sites and apps, we can't guarantee their excellence or durability 100%, just that they are a way to get the original stream delivered by RFF in other ways you may use especially mobile.

Chat Hangouts, Video Simulcast, Special shows/events: Our Owncast server, thanks to good sorts at simulcasts at where will on occasion have moderated chat hangouts and listening parties and hopefully events driven by the community.

Other listener and RFF community made options

Roku: RFF contributing artist and friend of the station enjoys listening in the lounge and made a Roku app

MPD: has posted about a simple conversion to m3u for personal MPD player usage

For sharing now playing information to facilitate interacting with and supporting fedi artists, we have various web pages, json, csv and a now playing bot for the main channel already in place. Reach out via DM on the station account if we can be of help.

If you are interested in offering more options to access the unaltered RFF streams and show real-time artist contact and license info we are totally onboard with helping when we can to provide station info for ingesting.

Our website, owncast site, now playing bot, and as many other places as we can show data that is not generally passed around by radio streams such as artist fedi link, artist support link and artist license. Our entire mission is to be a discovery layer, not an end-point for consumption. We WANT you to go away (so to speak) and interact with artists on fedi which has proven to be a powerful fuel for creativity, collaboration and drive. And we want you to support independent artists on the whatever platforms they can manage being on if you can be at all amiable.


and keep fedi weird

this is your 24/7 fediverse #community #radio #radioFreeFedi

Kia ora rawa atu