Let's do a thing! The “mid-year” Fediwave Artists Streaming Series.
What's this?
This is a call for participants.
A number of fedi community artists, collectives and venue hosts nudged via RFF are hoping to catalyse a fun, informative series of live artist streaming events over the month of August.
Unlike the new years marathon stream parade, this will a distributed series that will run throughout August so it will be super easy to pick your own day/time to suit.
We are focusing on live presentations, perfomance, discussion and promoting independent artists this time around so no movie watch alongs, commercial dj sets and the like. We hope to roll the festival atmosphere from event to event even though it's not in a linear festival format smashed into a day or two.
Very much like the new years stream parade, it will be a celebration of independent creatives, friendly hang outs and joining in nyd24 stream parade debrief report. Let's continue exploring how we can organise, promote and discover rad indie art and events that can be inclusive to everyone far and wide and especially those of us who cannot afford to attend live events or travel due to health, cost or concern for others.
This is also a chance to celebrate and promote platforms and venues that are outside the walled gardens of corporate surveillance and artist abuse. Again we will be using the fedi friendly platforms such as #owncast and #peertube.
So far we have music performance, album walk throughs, Q+A/AMA lined up and this is our public call for more particpants to ride the fediwave.
We're using RFF and friends as a catalyst to push the discovery and recognition of artists and things like streaming hangouts on less walled garden and non commercial fedi adjacent platforms. If as a community we can point to a schedule and each other, hopefully we can help reach new corners of the verse and beyond.
Get onboard
So if you are keen to:
- perform original music
- talk about something like an album behind the music or production methods etc
- live visual art creation
- circus arts
- discussion panel
- radio drama, live theatre, improv
- keen to interview artist(s) or keen to be interviewed as a creative, etc
- other ideas or need to gauge if there are others to help make it happen? hit us up
Bring your own #owncast or #peertube or we have turnkey audio and video streaming live venues for those that might already stream elsewhere. We have friends available to help best we can for folks newer to streaming.
Please DM @radiofreefedi@musician.social or pop into the RFF Matrix public chat #radioFreeFedi:matrix.org
Participants and preliminary schedule
Here is the list of artists/events participating with dates, times and venue links as they solidify. We will update this list and the calender at https://cal.gravitons.org/ | @relay@cal.gravitons.org as more participants come onboard
Wednesday 7th August 2000 CEST (1800 UTC) at https://live.pretok.tv Luka Prinčič @luka@sonomu.club https://prin.lu
Luka Prinčič aka Prince Lucija is a computer musician who is running Kamizdat netlabel, works at Emanat Institute and takes care of number of other projects like Pretok.TV and SoNoMu.CLUB. They will present a varied programme of own tracks, compositions, and live coding.
Wednesday 7th August 2000 UTC at https://stream.gravitons.org/ Remember Glaciers
Live ambient music and storytelling field recordings from Remember Glaciers.
“We may be the last generations to remember glaciers. If you have memories of glaciers you would like to share, please get in touch.”
Tuesday 13th August 2000 CEST (1800 UTC) at https://live.pretok.tv Luka Prinčič @luka@sonomu.club https://prin.lu
Luka Prinčič aka Prince Lucija is a computer musician who is running Kamizdat netlabel, works at Emanat Institute and takes care of number of other projects like Pretok.TV and SoNoMu.CLUB. They will present a varied programme of own tracks, compositions, and live coding.
Tuesday 13th August 1500 US PDT (2200 UTC) at https://live.sockpuppet.us/ Sockpuppet @fluffy@plush.city https://sockpuppet.us/
Sockpuppet is totally a band with a bunch of people in it, and not just one person in Seattle who likes to pretend. Their studio music comes in a wide variety of genres, but for live performances, the main person, who goes by “fluffy,” pares it back to an acoustic singer-and-guitar arrangement.
Wednesday 14th August 1500 BST (1400 UTC) at https://stream.gravitons.org/ Meljoann @meljoann@topspicy.social https://www.meljoann.com/
Meljoann is a hyperjack music producer & video artist in Brighton via Dublin. Over-enthusiastic, friendly nerd.
RFF voice here to say that Meljoann is a brilliant mix of suprememly well crafted hyperpop mixes and vocals that standalone as awesome but the brilliantly delivered social commentary from the presentation and video art is an absolute added bonus. Get amongst it!
She will be peforming a live set of improvised hyperjack R&B beats, synths & chats
Thursday 15th August 1900 US PDT (0200 UTC Friday) at https://party.radiofreefedi.net Coreyartus @Coreyartus@mindly.social https://www.coreyartusimagery.com/
San Diego artist creating art stationery, greeting cards, phone wallpapers, and digital art.
Coreyartus will present a comfy hangout live art stream making an album cover for a hypothetical record called “Comfy”. Music will be a subset of the RFF comfy channel for the proper vibe.
Moday 19th August 2000 BST (1900 UTC) at https://stream.gravitons.org/ Rashamon @rashamon@musician.social
Rashamon performs “synth noise pop: a mix of new beats and tracks”.
Wednesday 21 August 1700 UTC https://stream.gravitons.org/ Sknob @sknob@mamot.fr https://sknob.fr/music
Sknob will present their fine franglophone musical creations in stripped down acoustic guitar and voice renditions.
Thursday 22 August 1700 Toronto (2100 UTC) at https://party.radiofreefedi.net BGM @bgm@octodon.social https://fromabasement.com/
BGM comes to you from a tiny room in downtown Toronto and will be playing a selection of their tracks live. RFF voice here to say BGM has gifted the community with some of the most wholesomely calming and funny musical station IDs we've had the joy to receive.
BGM is “very much into HomeRecording music and MusicProduction specifically indie, pop, folk, rock and whatever offshoots and subgenre of those the kids use these days”
Saturday 24th August 2300 UTC at https://party.radiofreefedi.net Futzle The Live Musical @futzle@old.mermaid.town https://music.futzle.com/
A half hour livestreamed performance of some of my finest singles from Futzle: The Musical, with some previously-unreleased future and back catalogue songs!
Wednesday 27th August 2000 CEST (1800 UTC) at https://live.pretok.tv Luka Prinčič @luka@sonomu.club https://prin.lu
Luka Prinčič aka Prince Lucija is a computer musician who is running Kamizdat netlabel, works at Emanat Institute and takes care of number of other projects like Pretok.TV and SoNoMu.CLUB. They will present a listening party for Mad Jakale ALBUM (in pre-order) along with aconcert recording from 22/AUG.
Thursday 29th August 1900 Oslo (1700 UTC) at https://lisleg.com/live Kristoffer Lislegaard @lislegaard@sonomu.club https://kristofferlislegaard.com
Kristoffer is a Norwegian listener, lover and maker of electronic music who believes in #BeYourOwnPlattform.
He will be presenting a live audiovisual experimental ambient concert.
Friday 30th August 2100 UTC at https://stream.gravitons.org/ Laslojott @laslojott@mstdn.social https://www.laslojott.com
Simon Janssen / Laslo Jott is a musician and composer
They will be performing punk and prog rock live on guitar and vocals.
Date/TIME TBA at https://party.radiofreefedi.net Doctor Deathray @DoctorDeathray@retro.social https://doctordeathray.com
Doctor Deathray is a musician, audio engineer, and general odd person.
She will be performing “music from the void! Solo, looping, and strange noises galore! Hear the word, see the sound, taste the music with Doctor Deathray”
Date/TIME TBA at https://party.radiofreefedi.net control.org/C2 @controlfreak@mas.to https://music.control.org
a broken shortwave radio and ½ a roll of electrical tape
dark disko, ebm, power noise, synth, powernoise, synthpop, tech, house, noisescapes, dystopia, horror
controlfreak will present a live set spanning 30 years of industrial and dark electronic underground probably accenting a few releases celebrating anniversaries and some recent fedi collabs. Lace up your stomping boots.
This list will grow as more of you amazing creatives out there in the verse put a hand up. Again, Please DM @radiofreefedi@musician.social or pop into the RFF Matrix public chat #radioFreeFedi:matrix.org to express interest in performing or helping out.