some housekeeping

( please do not boost or follow here, this is only a long form reading and archive reference. Please follow and interact with us at )

Ahoy fedi friends, thank you so much for your amazing community vibes, sharing your thoughts on what you are hearing and supporting fedi artists. And now some extremely fascinating.........housekeeping

Weekly updates Given the midweek surges in fedi activity and liveliness and the being a busy time for concurrent listeners we have shifted to a midweek weekly update on new tracks an artists. We work on this continuously following up with artists, reaching out to more, and constantly getting tracks ready behind the scenes in the station to then go live in groups around when we post that kind of update. Generally there is a late weekend to early week response to the weekend posts by submitting artists.

This week we had a second midweek surge so just kept on adding awesome new tracks. We hope you have a kick ass and/or comfy weekend hearing new things on both channels.

Interviews Have you enjoyed any of the artists spolight interview we have run? We haven't done an artist spotlight interview segment in a few weeks as IRL has been exceptionally heavy on your one hamster in a wheel RFF engine room. We may make these available from the website for streaming only and think they are a bit of fun to help introduce amazing fedi artists. Feedback was a bit sparse. They are labour intensive for comms and prep and edit so we are re-assessing.

If you have an upcoming release that is a great time to organise having a spotlight synced up so please DM the station account if you are keen.

Time and effort and ethos and thanks Full disclosure even when we skip some features, segments and have a “light” week it is still generally a half-time job to keep things ticking, growing and to maintain the vibe and hopefully diverse and/or comfy standards while making certain we are staying true to the ethos as a discovery layer that CELEBRATES sending you off to fedi interact with artists and hopefully even support them on their platforms of choice.

We are in a pretty good spot in terms having the core infrastructure funded for a few months thanks to some amazing artists and patrons. The other fuel that really keeps this going is when YOU, the community, support each other and hopefully we get looped in to see that kind of amazing collaborative and support spirit in practice. Quietly or openly hearing from artists on what this project means to them really solidifies why it is so important to celebrate artists, agency and consent, together. Keep it up team.

If there is ever a lag in response time or we get a bit of data wrong, we apologise, please reach out via DM and we appreciate your love and patience as this thing grows and grows.

Spoken word and writings We have had quite a few folk reach out to do station IDs, station read, or reads of materials we have ready for TheTrafficReport and TheNews segments but not submit. We would love for a variety of fedi voices to be included in this way. Don't be shy, DM the station for info, we have script outlines and material ready to help you.

Writers, do you have some poetry, micro fiction, or weird and wild possibly out of context sections of writing we can point voice readers to or in abscence of that our amazing announcer crew at.

New Releases Similar to the weekly update on new tracks added shifting to midweek, we will also do the announcement of recent/new/pending releases from artists on the station then and boost for the weekend

beware of the robots

be advised our playlist bot account is unattended so try not to DM it on accident. Please do use if you were washing the dog and could not look at the screen 27 minutes ago to get links for an amazing artist you heard!

Reviews We have a backlog of mini reviews and we will start trickling those out, again spoons and time. We reckon these are handy for artists to boost or quote in other formats so they feel they are tooting their own horn. We say TOOT TOOT!

404 not what now? Also weirdly various posts with both the bot and the station account mentioned have not shown up to to the station account and this week we've had a number of DMs and bookmarked posts vanish from our end so thanks for your patience.

Wow you made it to the end you legend. Stay awesome out there.

how to listen/submit/contribute:


and keep fedi weird

this is your 24/7 fediverse #community #radio #radioFreeFedi

Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei Kia ora rawa atu